international mobility for ensait textile engineering students

ENSAIT is a partner of 50 universities around the world. All student engineers spend at least one semester in the framework of these international exchanges. 

More than 300 companies around the world also host ENSAIT students for long-term internships or for their final year projects.

Each student internationalizes his or her professional curriculum and learns to master a foreign language. Essential!


What types of international mobility are offered at ENSAIT?

The exchange semester

Within the classic ENSAIT textile engineering curriculum, an international semester is mandatory during the 2nd year. 
Thus, 100% of our students in the classic textile engineering program have a minimum of one semester of experience abroad in the context of academic exchanges with university partners on all continents. 

The main purpose of this mobility is to acquire

  • A broad cultural opening
  • An ability to work in an international context

A partner presentation day is organized in November of each year (more than a year before the mobility). This is an opportunity for third-year textile engineering students returning from mobility to share their experiences with newly arrived first-year students through slide shows, films, photos, comments and “typical” schedules.

Following this day (between November and March), the country tutors (teacher-researchers with academic/scientific backgrounds from one or more universities) present the partners they are responsible for to students interested in the destination.

An application file is generally due in February.

For the selection, the following will be taken into account

  • language results (English + LV2): 25%.
  • academic results (E1, semesters 1+2): 50%.
  • interview with the country tutor: 25%.

Discover the list of ENSAIT’s international university partners: 

Double diploma

The double degree is awarded after the second year at ENSAIT and allows you, after two other years at a foreign partner university, to obtain both the ENSAIT degree and that of the partner university. In other words, 4 years of study (instead of 3) for two degrees.

Discover the list of international universities with which our textile engineering students can complete a double degree:

Soo Chow University, China

Dong Hua University, China

University Do Minho, Portugal

University of Saint Petersburg, Russia

Shin Shu University, Japan

Internship or final year project abroad

One of ENSAIT’s main objectives is to promote international exchanges and to allow all students to gain experience abroad.

More than 300 companies from all over the world trust ENSAIT and welcome engineering students for internships, end-of-study projects or as part of the apprenticeship program! 

They have a double objective:

  • to lead you towards an engineer’s behavior
  • to provide you with knowledge of the textile industry, distribution and the business world.

You will learn to manage a team and a project.


The gap year

The gap year is a period during which a student suspends his or her university studies to gain personal or professional experience either independently or within a host organization abroad. This option is open to motivated ENSAIT students who wish to carry out a project related to the academic, university or professional career of a future engineer. The gap year promotes the personal development of the student.

The legislation of the host country must be applied in the relationship between the student and the host organization, including in the case of a course that is separate from the student’s original course. 

What are the existing aids and grants?

Scholarships from the Hauts de France Region

Awarding of the Region’s international mobility scholarships known as Mermoz and AMI “Aide à la Mobilité Internationale” scholarships for CROUS scholarship holders

Composition of the grant awarding committee:

  • The Director of the school or the Director General of Services
  • The Administrative Manager of the Studies Department
  • The Director of International Relations
  • The Assistant of the International Relations Department – outgoing mobility
  • The Student Vice President
  • The students elected to the Student Council

The selection (after having met the criteria of the Region or the CROUS) will be based on academic results (average) and on attendance.

The ENSAIT Board of Studies has decided that the Mermoz and AMI grants cannot be combined.

Erasmus + allowance

The allocation is made within the limit of the number of annual allowances obtained by ENSAIT.

The allowance allocated to students is determined according to the country of destination in order to take into account the local cost of living:

1Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom 270 €420 €
2Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain220 €370 €
3Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey170 €320 €

Students with disabilities may receive additional assistance. Information available at the International Relations Department.

Payment of the Erasmus + allowance

No grant is paid before departure.
The Erasmus+ grant is paid in TWO TIMES :
70% of the total amount upon receipt of the certificate of arrival (to be sent within 5 days of your arrival to the International Relations Department of ENSAIT)

To simplify the application process for Erasmus + grants, you can either go directly to or contact the dedicated line at, which will help you prepare your Erasmus + application for a grant for your trip abroad. 

The "n+i" network

ENSAIT is a member of the “n+i” network, an association of French engineering schools that have chosen to pool their international cooperation activities in order to facilitate the recruitment and reception of foreign students in France as well as the stays abroad of their students.
The “n+i” Network offers personalized support to international students.

It also encourages its members to establish cooperation agreements with higher education institutions around the world so that their own students can carry out an academic mobility.

Students can apply for a period of study or internship abroad (in a laboratory or company) in agreement with the host institution.

A single and free registration allows students to apply at once to all the engineering schools that are members of the “n+i” Network.

Your contacts

Picture of Marie-Pierre DELESPIERRE


Director of International Relations
+33 (0)320 256 487

Picture of Giuliana GASPARINI


Outgoing Student Assistant
+33 (0)320 256 453