Here, the innovations of tomorrow are born

ENSAIT, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles depuis 1881

Build your future with excellence at ENSAIT

ENSAIT is a textile engineering school that each year trains nearly 400 engineers to become major players in tomorrow’s textiles: technical textiles, advanced materials, distribution, fashion and luxury.

The skills of its teaching staff and the excellence of its research laboratory, GEMTEX, ensure that ENSAIT students receive a quality of training that is recognised by all the companies and organisations in which its graduates flourish. ENSAIT engineers are sought after by companies in France and abroad.

Discover ENSAIT, where innovation meets tradition, and where each student is encouraged to reach his or her maximum potential.

Eric Devaux

Director of ENSAIT

Façade de l'ENSAIT
Machine maille textile
Broderie sur textile
Escaliers de l'ENSAIT avec statue au centre

Coming to study with us

One semester of courses in English

One semester of courses in English at ENSAIT: part of an international exchange program.
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A semester or a year of study at ENSAIT

ENSAIT allows students from its partner universities to follow a semester or a year on its premises.
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Double diploma

Students can earn two diplomas simultaneously, typically from ENSAIT and another institution.
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A project in the research laboratory

Take part in a scientific project at GEMTEX, our research laboratory
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Formation d'ingénieur initiale sous statut étudiant

Entrée : bac +2
Durée : 3 ans
Équilibre entre théorie et pratique pour une expertise solide dans l'industrie des textiles.
En savoir plus

Formation d'ingénieur par apprentissage

Entrée : bac +2
Durée : 3 ans
Cette formation permet aux étudiants d'acquérir des compétences spécialisées en entreprise tout en développant une expertise dans le secteur textile.
En savoir plus

Mastère spécialisé MIM

Entrée : bac +5
Durée : 1 an
En partenariat avec IFM Paris
et IAE Lille
Le Mastère forme des cadres dotés d’une triple compétence technique, mode et managériale pour les entreprises de la mode et du luxe.
Site du Mastère MIM

BTS Innovation Textile

Entrée : postbac
Durée : 2 ans
En partenariat avec l'ESAAT
Formation courte axée sur les techniques et les processus innovants dans le domaine textile.
Site du BTS IT

International Students, Welcome Home!

International students are at the heart of our commitment. From the moment they arrive, our dedicated department supports them at every stage of their integration. We facilitate their access to the various networks, guide them in the process of obtaining grants or accommodation, and offer them a buddy system with our students to encourage intercultural exchanges. In addition, French language courses are available for those who wish to improve their command of the language. We do our utmost to make our international students feel at home, and to ensure that they get the most out of their academic and cultural experience at ENSAIT.

ENSAIT has been awarded the "Welcome to France" label

Supporting international students

A dedicated service to support you

100% dedicated to international students to help them before arrival and during their stay with admnistrative tasks, registration, accommodation, buddy system and much more…

The buddy system

Each international student receives an Ensait Buddy before arriving in France. This connection is made via the Buddy System managed by the international section of the BDE – Bureau Des Etudiants (students’ union).

Networks and scolarship

Thanks to our multiple platforms and networks, potential students can easily navigate through the information and procedures required to join our school.

French language and culture courses

In an effort to better integrate international students, ENSAIT offers French as a Foreign Language and culture courses to all its non-French speaking students.

Les domaines d'application
du textile

Areas of application for textiles

fashion & luxury

SPORT & leisure

aeronautics and aerospace


civil engineering




100% of ENSAIT students undertake international mobility

ENSAIT encourages international student mobility, offering opportunities for academic exchanges and internships abroad. Through partnerships with renowned textile universities, this enriches their experience, strengthens their language skills and prepares them for a career in a global context.

Textiles, an innovative sector

The proximity of GEMTEX gives students privileged access to a leading textile research laboratory. This translates into unique opportunities for learning, collaboration and innovation. Students benefit from courses taught by the laboratory’s teacher-researchers.

A rich and dynamic student life

Our school offers a wide range of dynamic extra-curricular activities, from themed clubs to cultural and sporting events. Students have the opportunity to get involved in a variety of community projects.
Health and well-being are at the heart of our concerns, with dedicated services to ensure the necessary support. We are committed to creating an accessible environment that facilitates the active participation of students with disabilities.

A powerful corporate network

The School is at the heart of a dynamic network of companies, offering students a host of exceptional opportunities. Rewarding internships, attractive apprenticeships, lectures by seasoned professionals and post-graduation job prospects are just some of the benefits of our strong partnerships with leading companies.

News and events

Let's Become Industrial Partners

We support companies in their research projects

Follow ENSAIT on Instagram !

🤗 Welcome on board ! 

Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir 12 nouveaux étudiants internationaux venus de Chine, du Maroc et de la Tunisie qui intègrent l'ENSAIT dans le cadre de la mobilité entrante ! 

L'ENSAIT leur propose plusieurs opportunités d'accès pour des durées différentes : Programme n+i, Double diplôme, Cursus d'ingénieur classique ou encore échange semestriel ! 🌎

🤗 Welcome on board !

Nous sommes heureux d`accueillir 12 nouveaux étudiants internationaux venus de Chine, du Maroc et de la Tunisie qui intègrent l`ENSAIT dans le cadre de la mobilité entrante !

L`ENSAIT leur propose plusieurs opportunités d`accès pour des durées différentes : Programme n+i, Double diplôme, Cursus d`ingénieur classique ou encore échange semestriel ! 🌎

🤗Nouvelle promotion d'ingénieurs ENSAIT !

Ca y est, demain c'est la rentrée de la promotion 2024-2027. Nous accueillerons les nouveaux étudiants apprentis et initiaux des 4 coins de France. 🧑‍🎓

🤗Nouvelle promotion d`ingénieurs ENSAIT !

Ca y est, demain c`est la rentrée de la promotion 2024-2027. Nous accueillerons les nouveaux étudiants apprentis et initiaux des 4 coins de France. 🧑‍🎓

🎒Rentrée 2024-2025 ! 
Plus que 7 jours avant l'arrivée des nouvelles promotions apprentie et initiale à l'ENSAIT le 30 août 📚

🎒Rentrée 2024-2025 !
Plus que 7 jours avant l`arrivée des nouvelles promotions apprentie et initiale à l`ENSAIT le 30 août 📚

🏠 Tu as été pris à l'ENSAIT et tu cherches un logement pour la rentrée ? Le BDE vole à ton secours ! 🦸

Yanis, membre du BDE, a concocté une plaquette logement listant de nombreux appartements et colocs aux alentours de Roubaix et Lille pour te loger du mieux que possible. 😎👍

🔗 Lien de la brochure à retrouver dans notre bio

Tu trouveras aussi sur cette plaquette, des informations sur les meilleurs quartiers, les trajets en métro, les choses à faire à Roubaix, etc. 

✉️ N'hésite pas à contacter le BDE sur insta @bde_ensait ou par mail

🏠 Tu as été pris à l`ENSAIT et tu cherches un logement pour la rentrée ? Le BDE vole à ton secours ! 🦸

Yanis, membre du BDE, a concocté une plaquette logement listant de nombreux appartements et colocs aux alentours de Roubaix et Lille pour te loger du mieux que possible. 😎👍

🔗 Lien de la brochure à retrouver dans notre bio

Tu trouveras aussi sur cette plaquette, des informations sur les meilleurs quartiers, les trajets en métro, les choses à faire à Roubaix, etc.

✉️ N`hésite pas à contacter le BDE sur insta @bde_ensait ou par mail

🔔 Futurs étudiants de 1ère année, c'est le moment de s'inscrire administrativement en ligne ! 

Toutes les informations pour votre inscription dématérialisée se trouvent sur le lien que vous avez reçu par mail 📥

🔔 Futurs étudiants de 1ère année, c`est le moment de s`inscrire administrativement en ligne !

Toutes les informations pour votre inscription dématérialisée se trouvent sur le lien que vous avez reçu par mail 📥

Partners and accreditations


Do you have courses in English?

Yes, ENSAIT offers courses in English for international students. Specifically, the school provides a semester of courses taught in English, focusing on two specialized areas within their textile engineering program.

Who do I contact to register and when?

For all registration enquiries, please contact our contact person, Marie Hombert : marie.hombert(at) +33 (0)320 258 951 

Is there a buddy system?

Yes, ENSAIT has a buddy system specifically designed to help international students integrate into their new environment. Each international student is paired with a "buddy," typically an ENSAIT student, who assists them in getting acclimated to the school and life in France.

Furthermore, the pairing with a buddy is arranged 8 to 12 weeks prior to the international student's arrival.

Do you help international students find accommodation?

Yes, our International Relations Department helps international students find accommodation. Contact Marie Hombert: marie.hombert(at)
+33 (0)320 258 951

Furthermore, the pairing with a buddy is arranged 8 to 12 weeks prior to the international student's arrival.

How do I get to ENSAIT?

By train:
From Lille station, take a train towards ROUBAIX
Get off at Gare de Roubaix (Roubaix)
Walk 400 meters to ENSAIT

By bus:
Bus routes 30, 33, Z6 and CIT3 serve the “Gare Jean Lebas (Roubaix)” bus stop.
Walk 400 meters to ENSAIT

By metro:
Take the Métro M2 and get off at “Gare Jean Lebas” station
Walk 400 meters to ENSAIT

More information on ilévia website

How to enter ENSAIT

To enter ENSAIT, you need to have followed a scientific and/or technological curriculum.

What extra-curricular activities are available at ENSAIT?

ENSAIT offers a variety of extra-curricular activities to enhance student life and foster a vibrant community. Students can participate in numerous clubs and associations that cover a wide range of interests, including sports, arts, culture, and professional development. Some of the popular activities include joining sports teams, engaging in music and theater clubs, and participating in cultural events and social gatherings organized by various student groups.

More information on Instagram : 

Is there a psychological health service?

Yes, ENSAIT provides psychological health services for its students. The school offers access to psychological support through various services, which include counseling and mental health resources.

More information on our website : Health and support services

Who are the disability and inclusion contacts?

If you have any questions about accessibility for people with reduced mobility, please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • Sabine Chlebicki, Handicap Correspondent,
  • Valérie Desle, Student Inclusion Advisor,