Study or do an internship in Europe with erasmus +

Erasmus + is a program co-financed by the European Commission to promote mobility and cooperation projects in higher education in Europe.

ENSAIT is committed to Erasmus +

ENSAIT has always made international affairs a priority and is eager to continue the actions already undertaken, such as the close and individual follow-up of students and the sending of 100% of its students abroad.

All students participate in a mobility program of more than 3 months, whether it be academic (semesters, double degrees, joint degrees) or industrial (internships or PFE).

Each candidate for departure benefits from the assistance of the international relations department, both in terms of administration and logistics.

Each incoming or outgoing student is supervised and guided by an ENSAIT university tutor who provides academic support, assists in the selection of courses, and guides and signs the student’s study contract, in conjunction with the study department.

ENSAIT wishes to pursue all the above-mentioned actions and to carry out new ones.

Initially specializing in textiles, we are keen to broaden the fields of competence of our partner universities in order to offer our students specialties that are complementary to ours (compatible with textiles) and vice versa for incoming international students.

Relocation in the textile industry makes international training and stays abroad essential for our future engineers.

ENSAIT has signed some 40 bilateral partnerships and a dozen double degrees.

Our partnerships are developed in the Northern Hemisphere and Western Europe and are also oriented more to the South (South Africa, India, Peru, Brazil) and more to the East (Russia, Romania…) for obvious linguistic and cultural reasons but also for scientific and economic reasons.

With its experience in student mobility, ENSAIT is now turning to scientific mobility and that of its administrative and technical staff.

For a better European and international visibility of the laboratory and the scientific excellence of the school, it seems essential that the doctoral and post-doctoral mobility component be developed.

To do this, several actions will be undertaken:

  • increase the number of thesis co-supervision. Agreements already exist with university partners (4 at the moment: China, Poland, Romania, Serbia), and this type of cooperation must be encouraged.
  • Encourage exchanges at the doctoral or post-doctoral level through research internships.
    The Erasmus Mundus program SMDTex -Sustainable Management and Design for Textiles, composed of 4 European universities and 1 Chinese university is an important step towards this mobility (8 PhD students per year will study in 2 European universities and the Chinese university, each PhD cycle will be of 4 years)

ENSAIT also wishes to encourage its staff to take part in European mobility. This request is currently being developed in association with the Director of Human Resources and the school’s management.

In addition, in collaboration with Italian and Finnish university partners and a Russian partner, ENSAIT has submitted a TEMPUS project that would allow staff to participate in exchanges within the framework of their skills and activities.

To date, 15% of the graduating class of “engineers” work abroad, and our other courses reinforce this international influence. It is therefore essential that ENSAIT continue to develop a strong, high-quality international policy implemented by all staff (teachers, administrative and technical personnel) who are themselves trained in international aspects.

International conferences, European research programs (FP7, Erasmus Mundus, Interreg, FEDER, etc.), contribute to the improvement of the expertise of our teacher-researchers who then transfer it to teaching.

Thanks to our structure of valorization and transfer (SAIC), the scientific improvements resulting from the research programs can very quickly be passed on to the industrial world.

In order to accentuate this policy, ENSAIT has developed numerous regional partnerships with competitiveness clusters (UPTEX, PICOM, TECHTERA, etc.), with professional associations (CLUBTEX, Union des Industries Textiles, etc.), and with technical/research centers (European Center for Innovative Textiles, French Institute of Textiles and Clothing, etc.).

Our transfer unit enables us to generate, through a commercial policy, the financial means necessary for the governance of a quality scientific policy.

This allows us to allocate additional resources to the training of our graduates and to finance, for example, the travel of all our students and staff to the ITMA textile trade show which takes place every four years in a European country.

Of course, ENSAIT also develops these international partnerships through active participation in international associations such as AUTEX (Association of European Textile Universities) and through the organization of scientific and industrial congresses such as ITMC (Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customisation), SFGP (French Process Engineering Society), ALTEX within the framework of the European project AsialinK.

Erasmus + allowance

The allocation is made within the limit of the number of annual allowances obtained by ENSAIT.

The allowance allocated to students is determined according to the country of destination in order to take into account the local cost of living:

1Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom 270 €420 €
2Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain220 €370 €
3Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey170 €320 €

Students with disabilities may receive additional assistance. Information available at the International Relations Department.

Payment of the Erasmus + allowance

No grant is paid before departure.
The Erasmus+ grant is paid in TWO TIMES :
70% of the total amount upon receipt of the certificate of arrival (to be sent within 5 days of your arrival to the International Relations Department of ENSAIT)

To simplify the application process for Erasmus + grants, you can either go directly to or contact the dedicated line at, which will help you prepare your Erasmus + application for a grant for your trip abroad. 

Vos contacts

Picture of Marie-Pierre DELESPIERRE


Director of International Relations
and Erasmus + Coordinator

+33 (0)320 256 487