Recruiting an apprentice engineer from ENSAIT

This is a great opportunity for your company to train a young person according to your needs. As soon as they graduate, young engineers are immediately operational. They quickly adapt to the company’s culture.

The practical training of the apprentice is provided in the company, in relation to the teaching provided by the school.

The duration of the training is 3 years, exceptionally 2 years under certain conditions.

The apprenticeship contract is a specific type of fixed-term employment contract that combines alternating training at the school and in the company. Its objective is to allow a young person to follow a general, theoretical and practical training, with a view to acquiring a professional qualification sanctioned by an engineering diploma

Apprenticeship: what are the benefits?

  • A motivated young person trained in the company’s know-how
  • Forward-looking human resources management: the employer trains a young person in its culture and working methods. Thus, the young person has acquired experience that can facilitate recruitment at the end of the contract
  • A company’s commitment to training: through this method of recruitment and training, the employer is betting on the young person’s future
  • Financial support from the State and your OPCO under certain conditions

For any information, please contact the ENSAIT apprenticeship department


Cost of the training

The cost of training an Ensait apprentice engineer is €10,500 per year.

This cost is covered by your Opco and the remaining cost for the company will therefore depend on the level of cover provided by the Opco. 

Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, your CFA contributes to the apprenticeship recovery plan for employers and does not charge any remaining costs for all apprenticeship contracts signed until 31/12/2021 included.

All signed apprenticeship contracts must be accompanied by a training agreement to be sent to your Opco in which this information is included.

The employment contract

Source : Formasup

The contract alternates periods of academic, technological and professional teaching in the apprentice training center (CFA) and periods of work in a company to apply the knowledge acquired at school.

The contract is signed for the duration of the training cycle, which is three years. It can begin three months before the start of classes and end two months after the end of classes, but never before July 1.

It is accompanied by a training agreement, which is compulsory and allows your OPCO to cover the cost of the training.

  Trial period

It is 45 consecutive or non-consecutive days of training in the company carried out by the apprentice. If the apprentice is absent due to illness during the trial period, the trial period is extended by the number of days the apprentice is off sick. It is not renewable.

  Apprentice's wages

It is calculated as a percentage of the SMIC (minimum wage) or the SMC (minimum wage agreement) if the latter is more favorable. It varies according to age and progression in the apprenticeship training cycle (unless the collective agreement is more favorable)

The salary varies according to age and seniority of the contract:

1st year43% of SMIC 53% of SMIC* 100% of SMIC*
2nd year 51% of SMIC 61% of SMIC* 100% of SMIC*
3rd year67% of SMIC 78% of SMIC* 100% of SMIC*

* The collective agreement applied in the company or the agreement of the parties may provide for more favorable provisions in terms of remuneration.

The collective agreement applied in the company or the agreement between the parties may provide for more favorable provisions in terms of compensation.

To perform an assisted simulation of the calculation of the legal salary, consult the work-study portal:

  Social charges

Depending on the size of the company’s workforce (more or less than 10 employees) and on the nature of their activity (craft or not), employers of apprentices are totally or partially exempt from employer’s contributions due on salaries, and the contributions are covered by the State.

Apprentices, on the other hand, are not liable for any social security contributions and therefore receive the gross salary. The exemption is permanent. It is acquired for the entire duration of the contract, even if the remuneration paid is higher than the minimum remuneration set according to the SMIC. It is individualized: only the employer who personally signed the contract can benefit from it.


The specific exemption from employer contributions on apprenticeship contracts in the private sector is abolished as of January 1, 2019.

The remuneration of apprentices will now benefit from the general reduction in contributions, which will be reinforced as of January 1, 2019.

The exemption from employee contributions specific to apprenticeship contracts in the private sector is maintained but limited to 79% of the Smic (i.e. €1,202).

  Working conditions of the apprentice

The apprentice is an employee in his own right. They therefore benefit from the provisions applicable to all employees (labor code and collective agreements).

The time spent at the training center is included in working hours.

It is not counted in the workforce.

  The commitments

The company transmits know-how and a trade. It accompanies the apprentice in his or her training and helps him or her to acquire the essential skills required for the targeted qualification and the diploma or title prepared.

It undertakes to

  • Providing practical training in the company by entrusting the apprentice with tasks related to educational progress.
  • Develop a training program in the company, in agreement with the CFA and the educational team.
  • Appoint an apprenticeship supervisor to ensure the support and training of the young person.
  • Respect the rhythm of the work-study program.
  • Participate in evaluation interviews.
  • Ensure the young person’s attendance (company and training center).
  • Register the apprentice for the exams leading to the training.
  • Respect the laws, regulations and collective labour agreements applicable in his/her professional branch or company.
  • Contribute to the financing of the training with the CFA, through your apprenticeship tax.

 The benefits

  • To train its future collaborator, operational at the end of its training and possessing a true company culture.
  • The apprenticeship of the Superior develops and reinforces the human qualities necessary for a perfect integration in the company.
  • The apprenticeship of the Superior is a mode of forward-looking management of Human Resources.
  • Taking on an apprentice from a higher education institution shows the commitment of a socially responsible company that focuses on the future of young people and thus reinforces its image.
  • Apprenticeship is financially supported by the State and the Regional Council.

  The role of the apprenticeship master

The apprenticeship supervisor is an essential partner in the apprentice’s training program. His or her support for the apprentice is essential to the latter’s success.

He/she undertakes to :

Welcome the young person and integrate him/her into the company:

  • Prepare the workstation
  • Inform the team of the apprentice’s arrival
  • Visit the company (premises, hierarchy, corporate culture, etc.)
  • Introduce the apprentice to the company’s staff
  • Inform the apprentice of the internal rules
  • Organize the work, taking into account the apprentice’s work-study schedule
  • Specify the objectives of the mission entrusted

To transmit its knowledge and know-how, by directing the apprentice towards more responsibilities and autonomy:

  • Define clear, measurable and achievable objectives, in line with the diploma prepared
  • Ensure that the objectives are understood.

Evaluate the apprentice regularly and define areas of progress with the apprentice:

  • Observe the apprentice, listen to him or her and gather feedback from the team.
  • Plan regular evaluation interviews.
  • Discuss the results achieved and areas for improvement.
  • Encourage and value the apprentice.
  • Use objective tools to evaluate the apprentice as accurately as possible
  • Monitor absences and lateness, whether at the company or at school.

Work in collaboration with the teaching team:

  • Know the training program and its evaluation procedures.
  • Follow the results of the apprentice in training and fill in the liaison book.
  • Meet regularly with the tutor in charge of monitoring the apprentice in school.
  • Identify the link between the training in the company and the lessons followed in school.


  • The apprenticeship master is the person directly responsible for the apprentice within the company.

Art L6223-1, L6223-5 (ex. L117-4, L117-5) of the Labor Code:

  • The apprentice may be either the company manager, an employee or a non-salaried person (spouse, partner, etc.) working full time in the company
  • He must be present in the company where the apprentice will work
  • He/she must be of legal age and offer all guarantees of good character
  • He/she must have the pedagogical and professional skills required to provide satisfactory training for the apprentice

Required skills:

  • Holder of a diploma or title in the professional field corresponding to the purpose of the diploma or title prepared by the apprentice and of a level at least equivalent, justifying 2 years of professional activity in relation to the qualification covered by the diploma or title prepared;


  • Proof of 3 years of professional activity related to the qualification covered by the diploma or title being prepared and of a minimum level of qualification determined by the departmental commission for employment and integration;


  • Having 3 years of experience related to the diploma or title being prepared by the apprentice after receiving the opinion of the rector, the regional director of food, agriculture and forestry or the regional director of youth, sports and social cohesion.

Each apprenticeship supervisor can take on 2 apprentices or alternating students at the same time.

The pace of learning

The duration of the training is 3 years, exceptionally 2 years under certain conditions.

The work-study program allows students to carry out long assignments in companies. The work-study program combines theory and practice. The elements learned at school are applied directly in the company.

The gradual lengthening of the periods spent in companies during the course encourages the assumption of responsibilities. In the 3rd year, the end-of-studies project is carried out over two long periods. It allows the apprentice to invest in a real engineering project in the company.

The training periods abroad can be divided into short periods throughout the 3 years of training.

Assistance to employers

For apprenticeship contracts concluded as of January 1, 2019 in companies with fewer than 250 employees, to prepare for a diploma at a level less than or equal to the baccalaureate, a single aid to apprentice employers replaces the TPE jeunes apprentis aid, the regional apprenticeship bonus for TPEs, the aid for recruiting an additional apprentice and the Apprenticeship tax credit.

Starting in 2019, the employer receives a single aid instead of four previously.

 ENSAIT's partners


Christine Campagne,
Director of apprenticeship


Ludmilla Bauvin,
In charge of the apprenticeship mission
